About LOTO Boat Rental
Learn More About Us573-365-BOAT (2628) Now Located At
All About LOTO Boat Rental
LOTO = Lake Of The Ozarks
Where The Fun Begins!
LOTO Boat Rental at the Inn at the Grand Glaize Hotel next to the Grand Glaize Bridge in Osage Beach MO was formerly Mike Fink’s Marina Watercraft Rental. It is the longest continuously operating watercraft rental in the region. For nearly 50 years families have planned summer vacations with a watercraft rental from Capt. Mike Fink’s at Bagnell Dam. Since Capt. Mark acquired the business in 2008 hundreds of kids caught their first fish with his assistance..
In 2017 the property at the Dam was purchased. The new landlord told us “don’t worry nothing will change”. Unfortunately, that promise went by the wayside and we were unable to renew our lease. It later became apparent he had no intention of renewing our lease and all along planned to do the watercraft rentals himself.
In Sept. 2019 Capt. Mike Finks packed up. When we learned we would have to move in May 2019 we searched & searched for a location. A chance meeting in November 2019 lead to an agreement with Shady Gators to operate there for the 2020 season. Our thanks to Shady Gators, they saved our bacon! I highly recommend the Brazilian Sizzle, 1st thing on the app menu.
In late 2020 a more permanent location was secured at The Inn At The Grand Glaize Hotel. The property was originally developed by St. Louis Cardinal Great Stan “The Man” Musial, so we knew moving there would be a hit. It was more like a home run!
New location and a new name LOTO Boat Rental plus we added over the past 3 years new Sunchaser Geneva Tritoons w/ 150 hp, Kayak and Standup Paddle board and water toy rentals, and new for this year a 25′ Regal with a cutty cabin and potty, Captained Vessel.
Same ownership, same management, new location, new boats and a new attitude and as always we are “Where the Fun Begins!” at Lake of the Ozarks.
With your continued support we will be around another 50 years!
Thanks for reading and thank you in advance for your business. You will be glad you chose LOTO Boat Rental!
Capt. Mark Dickey owner LOTO Boat Rental formerly Mike Fink’s Marina